On theory of idea philosophy of plato ' s objective idealism 试论柏拉图客观唯心主义的理念论哲学
When he studied the law in the university , marx ’ s points of view were greatly influenced by the kant ’ s objective idealism . after finishing university , marx was affected by the hegelian law philosophy . he thought that law was the product and presentation of “ rationalism ” or “ reasoning ” 黑格尔的法哲学是黑格尔的逻辑学的补充,而黑格尔的逻辑学在某种意义上说就是黑格尔的形而上学,马克思对黑格尔的法哲学的批判就是对黑格尔的形而上学的批判。
Objective idealism is an idealistic metaphysics that postulates that there is in an important sense only one perceiver, and that this perceiver is one with that which is perceived. One important advocate of such a metaphysics, Josiah Royce, wrote that he was indifferent "whether anybody calls all this Theism or Pantheism".